Leveler is the biggest private grid connected hybrid powerplant developer in the Baltic states

A grid scale battery storage is a device that plays an important role in the electricity system due to the growing share of renewable electricity production. By storing electricity during a period of excess production and transmitting the stored energy to consumers through the network in case of underproduction, the battery bank offers support to the electricity grid against the volatile electricity production characteristics of solar and wind energy which in return helps to lower the price of electricity.

Support for renewable generation

One disadvantage, invisible to the average consumer is that the renewable generation is hectic which must be constantly balanced. Renewable or not, we want to use electricity exactly as we are used to at our homes and businesses.

For convenience, Leveler partners with renewable generation powerplants, utilizes their connection points and invests in large-scale battery banks connected directly to the power grid through those connection points, which provide added value for grid stability and cost savings.

We are mapping the possibilities for erecting utility scale battery storage in various places in Estonia and we hope to share more detailed information about the project in the near future. Please contact us if you are interested in such opportunities.

Storage functionalities

Battery banks are installed in strategic locations within the network and operated by the system operator on different electricity markets and according to the technical needs of the network.
By their nature, battery banks are simple modules that take up significantly less space than conventional solar parks.

Our solutions are containers where batteries are placed complete with a system control center, climate units and automatic fire extinguishing systems. The area of one container is only 15-30 m2 per module.

Our goal

An uninterrupted and independent electricity system is the cornerstone of Estonia’s security.

Desynchronization of the Russian electricity system and the increase in the share of renewable energy increases the need for utility scale battery banks.

Leveler’s battery banks are the beginning of the development phase of CO2-free and supply-reliable electricity production.

© Leveler OÜ